Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chaper 4: Combat Part 1- With Quiz!

We don't have a lot of information on the way combat is actually calculated in this game, as the developers have not published this information. However this game works very similarly to Vampire wars and mafia wars, and the formula for both of those games have been published extensively. If we make an assumption that this game uses something close to this formula, and I have found little to dispute this, we can go with the following.

Combat is calculated roughly by comparing the combat rating of two opponents, adding a random dice roll, and comparing the results. Damage is determined by dice rolls. There is no evidence so far to indicate that damage done is influenced by att/def or gear.

So it stands to reason that one should try to make their combat rating as high as possible. To do so we need to understand how combat rating is determined. The formula for combat rating in VW/MW is as follows:

Combat Rating = SQRT((Att+Def)*Clan + Equipment Rating)

Equipment rating is equal to 1 attack power, 1 defense power, 1 enhancement and 1 discovery for each clan member you have. The game will use different equipment depending on if you are attacking or defending.

Many people believe that the game will use gear with the best attack rating when attacking and the gear with the best defense when defending. THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

I found this out recently by experimenting. See my gear that was chosen when I was attacking someone the other day.

You, along with 501 members of your Clan, fought against Lady ***** with 100 Hypnotic Mind Manipulations, 401 Death Guns, 500 Body Armors, 1 Gauntlets, 7 Wings of Darknesss, 1 Lightning Reflexes, 3 Death, Viktor's Silver Blades, 1 Bloodlust, 10 Vampiric Daggers, 1 Injection: Adrenaline Rush, 478 Ammunition: Silver Arrows, 295 Venomous Auras, 1 Hypnosis Pill, 80 Fearsome Auras, 1 Strength Pill, 1 Thunderbird, 2 Nightvision Pills, 3 Speed Pills, 11 Bloodlust Pills, 2 Rage Pills, 3 Enhanced Movements.

Now, I have 501 Death Guns. Death guns have 25 attack vs the Hypnotic mind manipulations attack of 23. Why did the game select a weapon that has a lower attack power when I was attacking?

Kudos go to the person that has the answer. - yes this is a combat quiz! :-)


Unknown said...

cause the death gun has no mind to over power but the vampire holding it does which would weaken the weapon

Unknown said...

Thank you for going to all this trouble for our benefit xx

Unknown said...

Perhaps it's because you were "attacking" and she was "defending". Throw that into the equation. The defense numbers mean something>>

Karma Club said...

Thank you so much. This is the first game I've gotten involved with. It's confusing.

Would you please explain hospitalization soon? There are those who attack repeatedly in the middle of the night. They seem intent on killing. What good does this do them?

Dhampir said...

the game chose the hypnotic mind because it is overall a better piece of equipment. you have to add the attack points and the defense points together to get its overall value.

death gun is 25 attack 12 defense so 25+12=37

hypnotic mind is 21 attack 24 defense so 21+24=45

just because she attack or you attack doesnt mean one person is doing all the attacking and the other is doing all the defending. if that were the case then every defender would do 0 damage and not win a fight. the game will use as many equipment items as you have clan members so i recommend you have the best equipment item available times your clan number. so if you do this, once you get the best item available, whether it be attack, defense, or enhancement, you really dont need any other items.

i hope this helps guys and good luck.

kevin green said...

simple really....the game chooses the last attack option 1st and works down the list until all 501 attacks,defense,enhance......etc have been used............if you had 501 hypnotics it would use them only.
if you had 200 it would use them 1st then go to death gun, then hearing sensation etc until it reaches your clan size.

Bill Hemphill said...

Dampir got it. Basically it appears the game chooses the item with the highest over all rating. Previously I would have suggested to keep 501 death guns (higher attack) and 501 Hypnotics (for the better defense.) However, ditch the Death guns and just go with hypnotics.

Part 2 coming soon!

My Blog said...

This game is a bit weird for me. I one have most weapons than the other just would become ashes to that enemy. Why the stupid program can select the best or even the whole weapons for to attack? If is a strategic game who makes the strtategy? Is out of control. As to leave the steering weel of a car to move by itself in a racing. Sorry, cant understand this.

Dhampir said...

the only strategy really is the order in which you level your stats up with your profile points and picking and choosing your attacks. other than that, its simple, just own the best items possible and try to be the highest level possible.

other than that, its just fortune, or misfortune for that matter, if people put you on the hitlist and so forth.

in the end, it boils down to stats, clan members, and items. so i agree with you in the sense of not much strategy but like i said earlier, its your leveling up process as well as your attribute allotment, and your use of making and spending blood that marks the only real strategy.

Anonymous said...

I would also add the note that if some of your caln members are not powerful enough to use your most powerful weapons (ie lower level thatn you by a fair bit), then it will choose the equipment they can use, if you still have it.

Dhampir said...

actually your clan be all full of level 1's and it will still allow any allotment of items in your battles. clan number is the only real noticeable important thing with the whole clan process.

maybe, just maybe, behind the scenes they calculate strength of clan members into battle but it has nothing do with the items you can use.

BP OMowe said...

I highly doubt that the formula is correct, as it would mean that Attack and Defence skill points have exact the same influence regardless if you are attacking or defending.
This is not the case, which can be verified quickly with empirical studies where high Attack will break low Defence, and low Attack will fail against high Defence, given the other parameters (clan size and equipment) are similar.

Also the SQRT is highly doubtful.
Before the interface makeover in Special Forces, another Zynga game using the same mechanics, the combat results were presented with separate values for team and gear on both sides.
Had SQRT been a factor, the team values would have been far below the ones presented.
There is no reason to assume that Zynga have had a totally different background mechanic for combat in Special Forces than in MW/VW when everything else works exactly the same way.

Hence, a more realistic formula would be:
Attack x Crew + Gear + RND(0<->30?)
compared with
Defence x Crew + Gear + RND(0<->30?)

The highest score wins the battle.

For the Zynga games, the assumption that the game picks the best gear holds true.
Attacking with a 82 member clan brought this:

Your clan of 82 fought with:

Offensive: 42 Pyrokineses, 1 Storm Rage, 1 Control Mall Santas, 3 Ironic Annihilations, 25 Superior Horrific Transformations, 10 Superior Mind Controls

Defensive: 36 Premonitions, 45 Superior Fast Healings, 1 Greater Impervious

Movement: 1 Summon Conqueror Worm, 13 Cross Running Waters, 68 Move Silentlies

While the listed -order- certainly isn't correct (for instance Greater Impervious is 19/23 while Superior Fast Healing is 34/38 and Premonition 18/25 and thus the logical order would be SFH, GI and P), the number of each type used matches perfectly with the availability and strength.

It is obvious that Reign of Vampires have a different formula unless certain weapons are locked by a level demand to equip them.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about all this.
Lets say for example I have a clan with 250 members, and I have a total of 200 Defense items. When I am attacked, do 50 of my clan members go into battle with no defense, and is that basically equal to not having them in the clan at all?

If each clan member needs at least one defense item to be able to fight, then is it better to buy 200 low level items like black cloaks, in order to give them at least something to work with? Or is it better to always concentrate on the bigger ticket items, no matter what?

thanks for any replies

Dhampir said...

every clan member will go into battle and each can use 1 item of everything. 1 defense, i attack, and 1 enhancement. so if you have 250 clan members, 200 defense items total, and 250 attack items total, then all your members are being utilized but 50 wont be using the defense items because you do not have enough.

i recommend having the number of best available items be equivalent to the number of clan members you have. so yes having 50 low level items is better than nothing at all but like i said, have the best items possible for each member.

also, there is no point in having more items than available clan members...especially if they require an upkeep of blood to use. but keep in mind some tasks require those items so keep the bare minimum in order to take full advantage of your incoming blood per hour.

investments are the only items that you can have as many as you want, which seems obvious but i am stating this because ive had people ask me if they can only have as many as clan members too.

anyway, i hope this answers your question. if not, my link is attached so add me, message me, i am more than happy to help. =]

Bill Hemphill said...

Response to BP OMowe:

I got the SQRT formula from the Mafia wars calculator. It seems to me that MW and VW are similar enough that they would use a similar formula. Since you used 2 different zynga games as references, it sounds like your making the point that zynga does not use this formuala, or at least does not use this formula for all their games. This would be something to debate with the creator of the mafia wars calculator.
I'm using that formula here as a baseline to start learning. I've been very specific in saying that the formula was from another game, and that is probobly different for this game. I also have confirmed with talks with the devs that both att AND def is used when fighting, however ATT is favored when attacking and DEF is favored when defending. I'm working to discover the formula. I will be posting more details soon.

Anonymous said...

Can you please explain the following: death (who died here, I am assuming me, and if so how was I "killed" again), vampire kills (how do you determine this), Hitlist kills (again how is this determined). As I am an evamp i am completely confused by this part.

Love what you have so far, it really explains bunches!!