Monday, August 24, 2009

Astral Vision.

I updated the spreadsheet with the info for astral vision in a new Blood Orbs section on the Bazaar tab. This is now the most powerful ability in the game. It costs 40 blood orbs to get. If you wanted to equip your clan with one of these each, it would only cost you $4008 in real cash to get them. A bargain, eh?


Lezlie Tripathy said...

i cant understand the reign of vampire game especially,how can i got to level 10 after now i'm in level 9,wat stuff i need to do,that helps me get up

Bill Hemphill said...

Hi Lesllie, Just keep doing tasks, especially the boss tasks and fighting people. Where have you put your skill points so far?

Unknown said...

i am in level 26 and growing fast but in task of boss vicktor i completed it but i did not got the blade so now i can not go for other boesses what shold i do.

Bill Hemphill said...

You need to keep fighting Viktor. the blade only has a 5% drop rate, so statistically you will only get it 1 in 20 times of doing the mission.

Unknown said...

What tasks are we suppose to do in order to get more blood orbs?

Dhampir said...

blood orbs cannot be obtained through tasks. only through the elders by filling out one of the survey's/offers or by using real cash.

Dame de Mort said...

I see nowhere that Astral Vision can be purchased, but my Attach Bizaar sheet says 0 (zero) (which suggests I could purchase them. But where?????