Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Chapter 4.2 - Combat Hints and Tips
I'm working on a more detailed post for combat, but I wanted to get some basic information out to everyone as soon as possible.
1) Get to 501 clan as soon as possible – See building your clan (coming soon)
2) Equip each of your clan with the best possible attack powers, defense powers, enhancements and discoveries possible for your level, one of each category for every member of your clan. (confirmed in the game text)
3) Best possible gear is determined by adding the attack and defense rating of an item and selecting the highest. The individual att/def scores of the item are not compared by the game. For instance, the game will use Hypnotic mind manipulation (21A, 24D, 45T) over Death gun (25A, 12D,37T) when attacking. Even though the death gun has a higher att, the HMM has a higher total (45 vs 37) This helps to figure out what the game will use and why. (confirmed by experience and testing)
4) The combat formula uses both your attack AND defense rating in each combat. However it puts an emphasis on the att score when attacking, and an emphasis on def score when defending. (Confirmed by Dev)
5) Combat is influenced by a random dice roll on top of your combat rating. This explains why you can fight someone and win, then lose, then win again. (confirmed by experience and testing)
6) Damage done by combat, and experience are determined by random rolls. I have kept a log of combat and I can see no evidence that I get more experience, do less damage or take more damage when fighting a stronger opponent than a weaker one. (confirmed by experience and testing)
7) Since you get no benefit from attacking higher level opponents, and have a higher risk of losing the battle, it makes sense to attack the lowest level and lowest clan opponent in the hit list and fight list first, and then moving onto higher level opponents.
8) The general guideline for Combat Vamps is to have your Att at least 2x your level.
9) Your def should be between 1.5-2X your level.
10) Energy should be only as much as the most required for the tier you are currently working on.
11) Put nothing in Health. The hospital can heal you as many times as you want for only 1000 blood. Being able to heal this fast and cheap means that any points put into health are relatively wasted.
12) How much stamina to have is debatable. Stamina refills at a steady rate. Having more of it means you can do more at one go, but then have to wait till it fully recharges. Having a smaller pool can be just as effective as long as you spend it as soon as it is recharged.
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wow. this is really helpful!!!!!! i never noticed the blog until someone mentioned it was located above the blood bank. very clever!
please add more soon!!!!
and when you say you need your attack 2x your level, how do we determine our attack rating? are you speaking of the category to which we add points? or a combination of our powers (att, def, enh)
Yep, the catagory where you spend your skill points. So if your level 10, you want your Att to be 20, your def 15 and so on. Note this if for Combat vamps. E-vamps should ignore this part.
what if my friends keep ignoring my pleas to join my clan.my mom dosent want me to have a total stranger on my friends page either.what do i do ????????.......also because it is only me in my clan people keep stealing my blood.so instead of having 2 mill i only have a couple grand(i'm good at math,and i only check my account every couple of days so i multiply by x amount of hours has passed)
One way round your problem might be to add your strangers, join clans, then remove the friendship. The clan members should not be removed, but you won't have strangers cluttering up your friends list either. This works for the other games, so I guess it will work here too.
The developers should make it so you cant attack your own clan members. If you have a smaller clan, it's ok, you know who your members are. But for players with 100+ clan members, it's just not possible to know them all by site. So there should be some kind of "safe guard" put in place to prevent this from happening.
i need 2 recruit more clan members can u help me?
I have beat the New York city boss but cant get the lightning quickness. Is there a tip or trick for that? Thanks
so when you say e-vamps should ignore the advice with skill points being added to def, att.....what do u mean? are you talking about when we first signed up and chose which category to be in? im in Drakul. thats energy, right? well.....should i not be adding to att and def? and only to energy?
Regarding "minions", if what we hear is true, then minions would have the same abilities as their "owner", and would only increase a clans count. They wouldn't really have any effect on the outcome of a war, because they have the exact same abilities as the owner. So in effect, any number of minions is worthless isn't it?
Well, unless I'm completely mistaken, the abilities of your clan members are irrelevant. AFAIK, what counts is YOUR inventory and the # of vamps in you clan. So,if you have 150 clan vamps, you need to have 150 attack items, 150 defense items and 150 enhancement items to equip them. Also, all clan relationships appear to be 1:1, so having a member of a 500 member clan join YOUR clan helps no more than a member of a 2 person clan joining you. My $.02.
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(Submitted by Nintendo DS running [url=http://crystalguo.vox.com/library/post/how-does-the-r4i-or-r4-work.html]R4i SDHC[/url] PostNext)
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