Greetings all! I have been honored enough to be asked to write a concise guide to Reign of Vampires, and I have humbly accepted. I am attempting to put out all of the info I have collected from playing, research, and talking to other players about tactics and strategies. This will be a work in progress, and I will be adding to it as often as I can. Things I plan to discuss are, The Basics, Tasks, Combat, and Equipment.
I also have a spreadsheet with some more detailed information up at:
CHAPTER 1: The Frequently asked questions!
1) I can't do a mission because I don't have a piece of equipment. Where do I get it?
There are pieces of equipment that cannot be bought in the Bazaar, and must be found from doing tasks. They are as follows:
Basic Tasks:
Item Needed For Acquired from Notes
Blood fury Marquis' Lair Purge a Nightclub in Paris, France The item is used up by doing the mission.
Silver arrow Eliminate a Clan of Werewolf Guardians Raid the Blacksmith The item is used up by doing the mission
Silver Bullet Confront the Thoros, Loot a Military Weapons Lab The item is used up by doing the mission
Hybridized Werewolf Blood Ransack Marquis' Blood Reserve Break into a Top Secret Laboratory The item is used up by doing the mission
Boss missions:
Item Needed For Acquired from Notes
Bloodlust Boss Fight: Viktor Boss Fight: William 3% Drop rate. Item is not used up.
Viktor's Silver Sword Boss Fight: Angeline Boss Fight: Viktor 3% Drop rate. Item is not used up.
Lightning Reflexes Boss Fight: Marquis Boss Fight: Angeline 3% Drop rate. Item is not used up.
Wings of Darkness ??? Cairo Boss ? Boss Fight: Marquis 3% Drop rate. Item is not used up.
2) "I can't get the item from one of the bosses, I've done it a bunch of times! There must be a bug."
Nope, there is no bug. Every time you do the task you have a 3% non-cumulative chance of getting the item. Statistically speaking, if you do the task 100 times, you should have 3 items, or 1 item every 33.3333 times. However, as a non-cumulative chance, this means that the outcome of this task is not affected by the last time you did the task in any way (or last 5 or 10 times for that matter.) It is theoretically possible (although however unlikely) to do the task hundreds of time and just have bad luck on the roll and not get the item. Keep doing the task, and you will get the item, eventually. Don't worry to much though, your not wasting your energy. You get the best amount of experience and money for your energy points doing boss fights.
3) "How many levels of mastery are there? I'm stuck at level 1 mastery!"
There are three levels of mastery for every task, including the bosses. Mastery for the basic tasks works a bit differently from the mastery for bosses. For the basic tasks, once you hit 100% level 1 mastery in one task, you will not move into level 2 mastery until you have achieved 100% level 1 master for all tasks in that location (not counting the boss). Once you have 100% level 1 mastery in all tasks for that region, you can start over on level 2 mastery. The same process repeats for level 3.
For Boss Mastery, level 1,2 and 3 are not related to the level of mastery for the basic tasks. So when fighting William, once you hit 100% level 1 mastery, you immediately roll over to level 2 mastery, (and same with level 3) regardless of where you are at in levels of mastery for the basic tasks. Once you hit 100% level 3 mastery the bar disappears forever. So if you don't see a mastery bar for a boss, that means you have achieved 100% level mastery.
4) "I did all the tasks up to level 3 mastery, but I can't unlock Cairo, Egypt! What do I need to do?"
Wait. Cairo, Egypt has not been made accessible by the developers. There will most likely be a post on the news area, lots of new announcements from your clan, and tons of discussion on the message board once it goes live. Don't worry, you won't miss it.
UPDATE - Cairo has opened, however now we have Romania in the same boat!
5) "I lost this battle! That unpossible! This game must be bugged!"
There are many factors to this. I will go into it in more detail in the combat section. (Coming soon)
Chapter 2: The Basics!
Here are the basics.
1) Do everything you can to get your clan up to 500 as soon as possible, no matter what your play style will be. Clan is the most important factor for deciding battle outcomes. For someone to be in your clan, they must also be on your friends list. Yes, this can be inconvenient to have 500 or so people on your friends list with your real friends and family, but you can delete them after clanning up with them if it is an issue. To do this, send someone a friend request, and then getting them to click on your vampire add link, or clicking on theirs. (more on how to get this in a moment.) Once you are friends only one person has to initiate the clan request for the game. When you add someone to your clan, you are automatically in theirs, and vice versa.
2) Choose your play style. There are three main types of play styles. They are Energy Vampires, Combat Vampires, and Jack Vampires. Even though you are selecting a play style at the moment, you are not constrained to it. Most players bounce back and forth between styles at various times though their vampire’s careers. Here they are with a brief synopsis of their advantages and disadvantages.
Energy Vampires (E-Vamps) – Energy Vampires spend a majority, if not all of, their skill points into Energy and doing tasks. This allows them to level up quickly, acquire extra skill points for completing tasks, and have a good supply of money. Since very little equipment is required for completing tasks, money can be spent on investments, and they can build up a lot of income over time.
The down side to playing an E-vamp, or e-vamping, is that you will be consistently defeated in combat. You will be a punching bag for everyone around your level, although this is just off of the fight list. You will rarely be hit listed, unless some malevolent soul decides to put you there at random, because you aren’t attacking anyone yourself. You will lose pretty much any fight you attempt to instigate as well. This will be reflected in your win/loss stats and death/kill stats. If you are going for an impressive set of stats you can show your friends, this is not the road for you.
Another aspect of e-vamps is that they have long periods without much to do in the game. Energy takes longer to refresh than stamina, and there is normally a lot more of it required to be useful. Many e-vamps check in once or twice during the day, do all their missions and log out. If you are a more casual player, this might be attractive to you.
E-vamping also requires very little clan. This is why it is popular with players just starting out. It gives them some time to get their clan in order, and build up some income to cover the upkeep of their fighting gear.
Combat Vampires (Break Vamps) – These vampires spend all their time, skill points and money fighting and gearing up for fights. They put their skill points into a blend of attack, defense and stamina, to a lesser degree. There is discussion as to the best way to do this, however as we don’t know the specific combat formula (more on this later) we cannot be certain. Some believe that defense has very little to do with combat when you are the attacker. Others find great fun in being put on the hit list and watching smaller Combat and Rage vamps dash themselves on their defensive wall, (which might become a viable leveling tactics if the developers decide to give out XP for defending in a battle and winning).
Combat requires that you have a full clan. Your clan acts as a multiplier for your combat rating, and it is very common for a lower level vamp, with minimal gear and full clan, to beat a higher level vamp with very good gear and a small clan. I cannot stress it enough. If you want to fight, you need to get full clan as much as possible.
Combat vamps need to spend exorbant amounts of blood for purchasing the best gear, as well as the upkeep for all the gear for their clan. This can be quite difficult to do when first starting out. We will go into more detail on combat and equipment later.
Combat Vamps are very busy, Stamina regenerates quickly and with a high enough stamina, coupled with frequent trips to the hospital to replenish heath, the combat vamp spends their time in a whirlwind of blood lust. Attacking foes mercilessly until they crumple like rag dolls beneath their onslaught. They will have a high win/loss and kill/death ratio that they can wear like a badge of honor. They can also rake in high payoffs from collecting bounties off of the hit list.
Jack Vampires – (short for Jack of all Trades) these vampires take a much slower view on leveling. While both other classes attempt to level as fast as possible. These vampires believe that slow and steady wins the race. They split their skill points across combat skills and energy (2att, 2def, 1 energy per level, and 1 attack, 1 defense and 1 energy and 1 stamina per level are common splits.) This allows them to do tasks, and fight effectively; however they tend to be a bit slower to play. It takes longer to build up the amount of energy to do boss missions, and they will not have att/def high enough to go head to head with a combat vamp of equal level and clan.
Jack vampires will always have plenty to do. Between tasks, combat and trying to collect enough blood to stay equipped, they can stay logged in almost all the time.
Good work, Bill :>
Thanks for all this info.
You say you can change between vamp types - but I can't see how to do this!
First of all: Very nice game! But: I can't find a button or something like this for changing the type, too. And I like to change my homebase - is this possible? (I didn't get the sense when I was starting and chose something funny...)
Looking good, Bill!
Leveling strategy for me: Basically what you said, but I add in a solid round of fighting other vampires with clans smaller than mine (I'm an E-Vamp).
Being selective about whom to attack, most of my battles result in victory at about a 60-70% win-loss ratio. The added experience is a plus, and often causes me to level before using an E-Pack.
So, my process:
Tasks until Energy is depleted. Fight until Stam is gone (hope for a level gain...or expect at least 50% level achievement)
Two paths from there:
If level is gained:
Tasks until new energy is gone.
Use E-Pack.
Tasks until Energy is gone.
Fight until Stam is gone.
That usually gets me to 50% of the new level, depending on which tasks are done, fights are won.
If level was NOT gained previously:
Use E-Pack.
Task until Energy is gone.
Check Stam and fight, hoping somewhere in there to level.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
How do I know what kind of a vamp I am? Thanks for all your guidance!
i am not happy as i withdrew over 3.1 billion from the bank to buy investments and it vanished now this is a bug that should be fixed and i cant have more then 2,147,000,000 in my pocket now this is not good fix it
do you have any idea
moneys is going missing from my rov
for ex : if a i have 4 billion in the bank and 2billion on my blood
and i withdraw the 4 billion
it will show 6 billion on my blood but when i go to the bazzar the 4billion is gone and my blood says 2 billion
what the hell is goin on
also i have got over 400 million in blood coming in an hour
but over the course of time
the most it will build up too is
where is the rest ??
why is the game screwing me
I am on level 85. I have level 3 mastery on all tasks including all the bosses all the way through Transylvania. What do I do now? Are there more locations to come.. or is this it? If so, this game is quite disappointing.
regards the last post - yes same here = very disappointing that you can do all tasks to all levels and there's nothing left to do ....
RE: last two comments.
Same here, I've done the level bosses six times each, I'm on level 119 and have been doing the same tasks sibce level 80 hoping for some thing new. I'm getting really bored! If some new level doesn't appear very soon I'm removing this application.
After completing all tasks the game loses all interest and we're there just waiting for new stuff to happen which never does.
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