Friday, October 30, 2009


Got a dev update for you all!

Reign of Vampires Calling all artists! Have your weapon art featured on Reign of Vampires! We're experimenting with a brand new system called "The Forge" where users can upload art for new weapons, and design them with very special abilities. Looking for feedback, and links to artwork by our users. Do you have some skills? Post a link to your portfolio. No skills? Let us know what you think of the idea!

I was asking questions and got responses! Here are some bits:

Bill Hemphill
Oh, how about fixing the 2.1 mil blood cap first? please?
Reign of Vampires
working on it right now

Bill Hemphill
Wow, and you guys are responding! Sweet Odin's Ravens! It's a miracle! What happened to you guys? Where did you go?
Reign of Vampires
Major Facebook policy changes caused us to have to rewrite all of our code. That's the short version.

Bill Hemphill
Wow. Well you did that without any apparent down time to the game. That's majorly impressive.
Reign of Vampires
Well, it wasn't just this game, it was all the games. The rewrites didn't require any downtime since there was no db restructuring. The 2.1mm blood cap fix though requires a change in the db backend which does cause downtime (the game is currently down for this fix)

Reign of Vampires
We're preparing for a bunch of new changes by Facebook (they may be removing requests and notifications completely), and may require another rewrite, so we're going to try to allow users to build content for the game.

Good News! I'll keep you all posted!

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