Monday, March 8, 2010

The Reign of Vampires has come to an end.

Hi All.

Before I begin I would like to state for the record that I am not a developer of Reign of Vampires, nor do I have any way to contact them. I'm a player just like yourselves, who was active in the community and put answers to questions here.

It is unfortunate that is has come to this but it appears to me that developer involvement has come to an end for Reign of Vampires. The Developers have made no modifications or any official communication with the community since 11/25/2009. It is my personal opinion that the developers have left the game to pursue other interests.

I'm posting this because I'm continuing to get questions, mostly asking what's after Transylvania. I will be checking in with the game periodically in the hopes that the developers might pick it up again, and if they do, then I will happily resume updating the blog.

The information listed is still very prevalent to the game as it exists, and I hope people continue to use this for a resource.

Thank you for your time and support!
Bill - AKA Anathama

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dreamweaver unwoven!

Ok all, I've unravelled the mysteries of the mighty dreamweaver. Please see the spreadsheet link here to reveiw.

Couple things to keep in mind. I validated all the data up until Att/def 30. After maintaining a constant difference of 0.0084 %, which I feel to be within acceptable tolerances, I went ahead and published. Note that the Dreamweaver will get up to unimaginable levels for a level 100 att or def. I'm not even good enough at math to figure out how to say that number! ($8,339,766,681,676,672,000,000,000,000)

Also keep in mind the figures are for each point. So I created a cumulative price that continues to add it up for you. Although you will need to figure out what you want your att number to be, and choose that cost, and then do the same for defense and add them together. If this was an editable spreadsheet I could create a tool that you could enter your own values in.

Critical strike, Double Strike and Vampiric Strike are all pretty basic from what I can tell. I have not seen any evidence that the cost changes as you get higher in level.

Also I got a good question yesterday, so I'll answer it here. The Att/Def refered to in Critical and double strike refers to the att and def scores that you put on your item, not your vampire's att/def. So if you have a weapon with 10 att and 10 def  with Critical strike 1, you have a 1% chance each battle of hitting with a 15 att and 15 def weapon.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sample Dreamweaver items

Here are a couple of sample Dreamweaver items and the impression gleaned from making them.

Curse of the Ebon Hand, A Ritual done by the unholy Order of the Ebon Hand to bring about the destruction of it's most hated adversaries. Several elder members of the Ebon Hand form a ritual circle and channel the hatred, pain, and torment of all the souls of their victims. Using a material link, such as hair, blood, or a valued possession, trick the souls into believing the victim of the curse is the origin of their pain and suffering. The combined negative energy of hundreds of souls seek out the victim, and rob them of every bit of energy they have, leaving them a lifeless husk shortly after.
Created by Anathama
[Level 71 equipment]

Attack: 37
Defense: 37
Critical: 5%
Double Strike: 1%

You can get up to 30 att or defense pretty cheaply, for a little over 1 billion, but after that it goes up quick.. I think I have the formula figured out, or at least close. I will post more on this soon.

Your First item is free, each one thereafter costs 3 blood orbs each. I don't think your going to see people walking around with 501 of these items anytime soon.

All of the special powers (Critical Strike, Double strike and Vampiric Strike) all cost blood orbs. CS costs 1 per level, DS costs 2 per level, and VS costs 10 per level.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this feature.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The Dreamweaver Feature is out. BEWARE. In an effort to try to map out all the costs, I inadvertently spent billions of blood and many blood orbs. If you are creating your own ability, be aware that it is taking money/orbs from you AS YOU MAKE IT. I feel that tt should wait until you have the item created before charging you for it, but it doesn't.

Keep this in mind while creating your items.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Dreamweaver is coming.

Reign of Vampires The Dreamweaver is coming. The strong will soon be able to use their vast amounts of blood to develop abilities with incredible power. The worthy will be able to learn these skills from their creators.

- New Post from Devs! As soon as this is out I will begin to play with this and work on a writeup.

The Glass Ceiling has been broken!

Rejoice, brethren. The cap on our blood accumulation has been removed!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Got a dev update for you all!

Reign of Vampires Calling all artists! Have your weapon art featured on Reign of Vampires! We're experimenting with a brand new system called "The Forge" where users can upload art for new weapons, and design them with very special abilities. Looking for feedback, and links to artwork by our users. Do you have some skills? Post a link to your portfolio. No skills? Let us know what you think of the idea!

I was asking questions and got responses! Here are some bits:

Bill Hemphill
Oh, how about fixing the 2.1 mil blood cap first? please?
Reign of Vampires
working on it right now

Bill Hemphill
Wow, and you guys are responding! Sweet Odin's Ravens! It's a miracle! What happened to you guys? Where did you go?
Reign of Vampires
Major Facebook policy changes caused us to have to rewrite all of our code. That's the short version.

Bill Hemphill
Wow. Well you did that without any apparent down time to the game. That's majorly impressive.
Reign of Vampires
Well, it wasn't just this game, it was all the games. The rewrites didn't require any downtime since there was no db restructuring. The 2.1mm blood cap fix though requires a change in the db backend which does cause downtime (the game is currently down for this fix)

Reign of Vampires
We're preparing for a bunch of new changes by Facebook (they may be removing requests and notifications completely), and may require another rewrite, so we're going to try to allow users to build content for the game.

Good News! I'll keep you all posted!